Thursday 13 May 2010

Jess, 21, Wimbledon

Big White Bright Blonde. Ever since the year dot I have looked up to the celebrities who have braved the bleach and released the frizz in their quest for the peroxide barnet. Marilyn Monroe, Deborah Harry, Madonna, Michelle Pfeiffer in the Scarface years – all have hugely inspired me. Now I have achieved my own whitest white hair I am proud to be following in their footsteps – it’s an iconic look after all.
I believe beauty can often be found in imperfection and think I incorporate this into my style – in my opinion a baggy boy’s flannel shirt on a girl expresses femininity much better than a boob tube. It says “I am female and confident, and by showing you less I am giving you more”. The sexiest famous females were always the ones that weren’t dressing to impress others, but to feel good about themselves. I like this philosophy.
I’m not too much of a pristine girlie-girl myself, and would choose comfort over fashion any day. It’s just really fortunate that leggings and a pair of Nike Dunks are my idea of a hectic outfit!
I won’t lie, I do make a conscious effort to look different to other people and try to forge an identity through my ‘look’ – but every individual is unique, so I say express this, instead of conforming to the rat race that is Highstreet Fashion. Shops like The Gap make me want to throw up over myself, quite frankly.
Colour is essential, especially if you’re like me and your hair resembles a well-groomed cloud – so I like brightly coloured tops, vibrant lipstick, nail varnish… all that.
I am an absolute fiend for American Apparel, but I wouldn’t have it any other way, their clothes are amazing. FACT.
My partly shaven head, multiple piercings and Dr. Marten wearing antics cause people to assume I’m a flat-out punk. Maybe I am? I am definitely very inspired by the punk/ska styles, but I wouldn’t outright just classify myself as a Punk – but my interests and passions for that music and style are definitely expressed through my clothing. I was once told by a guy from Leicester that he recognized me to be a London Girl. As though I revealed some essence of London in my clothes like a Scot would show his Scottish-ness by wearing a kilt. I would probably have to agree with that guy.
London is a hotpot for great music and culture, both of which I love London for – so why wouldn’t that get reflected in my style?

Friday 7 May 2010

Grace, 21, London.

Heyman, I'm Grace, 21 years old and from London. I love to ride upstairs on the big red double decker buses, you see alot. I like to draw people on the bus and on the tube, London is such a mish mash of people. So is my style. I like alot of types of music, film and culture. I love art in all forms. I study Animation and enjoy it alot. My style is influenced by all of these things. I love trainers and tshirts. Make Art Not War.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Oscar, 16, Wimbledon.

My name is Oscar and I am 16 years of age and I just fuckin love style and shoes. My style that I like to show is quite modern in many ways. In the way that my mum would not understand why I’m wearing skinny jeans coz she still thinks flares are cool and whatever. My general outfit when I’m going out is pretty much polo/top, straight leg/skinny jeans and definitely hi tops with one exception of wearing vans authentics which is just casual coolness. I love to change things up with the clothes I wear pretty much on a day to day basis, and my vision of what’s cool and what’s not seems to slowly change as I grow up so I have found stuff in my wardrobe that I bought a year back and just thought what the hell was I doing?? I tend to focus more on shoes in the way of style as I consider clothing doesn’t have to take hours to put together with other clothes to look sick. The rage at the moment is pretty much to look casual as if you have just thrown it on but still look hectic in the way you have done it. I do own some designer clothing but tend to stick to designer coats or bags as I believe that you can barely tell between designer jeans and tops as they look exactly the same to 10 times cheaper clothing but without the label. My style is definitely similar to my friends and have influenced or been influenced by them to change their ways of dressing in some way. I would definitely say that close friends or relatives hinder the way I dress but my style does not parallel with any icons in my life such as my mum and dad or whatever. They are just too old. I think that the way we are dressing definitely has a large effect on the younger generation because I see it every day. Kids looking at older kids or brothers and thinking their cool so they wanna dress like that. Like when you have a boy who is an emo or a pikey. It is very unlikely that you will see their younger brother a generation after them turning out to be completely different than their older siblings in the way they dress. I better stop talking now as this is getting a little long for my liking and I look like a neek.

Thursday 8 April 2010


Who knows but this makes me laugh every time I see it...

The Low-Down..

Honest London Style is an on-going project to document the latest variety of hot trends that are occuring in London today. Focusing mainly on youth culture, I aim to provide a space where people can communicate with each other, shout about something they feel passionately about or just shout about their own style! Happy blogging London....